About Us
What's on your bucket list....do you have a bucket list?
Here is a little insight to us and what we enjoy. Our names are Christie and Ken, we have been regularly traveling for 30 years. Don't get me wrong, in the beginning when our children were small, I was good with traveling around the USA. It was not until our first trip internationally, that I had a complete meltdown and was in the fetal position crying, begging my husband to let me go home, they could stay and enjoy Italy, just I needed to go home. Why you might ask, what made me have this meltdown. Well, because I realized I wasn't as prepared to have my family in a foreign country as I thought. I had many uncertainties like what if we need a hospital, what if we need medicine, what if...what if! My husband reassured me everything will be fine and you can't go home, but I was thinking to myself....”yes I can”. He convinced me to stay and after a few days of crying and in the fetal position, I was glad I stayed. As a family we have traveled many times to Europe, as that is our favorite destination. Now that the kids are grown and out of the house, we continue to check places off our bucket list. We have found it so rewarding to sit down and plan out our next adventure, seeing new places and revisiting some of our old favorites. We look forward to helping you make your bucket list travel easier and more enjoyable, maybe take a little of the stress out of planning for you, with ideas and helpful hints. So, let’s start making some lifelong bucket list memories! This is why we travel…right?